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Checklist: What You Need for the Second Trimester

By Mary Sharman, edHelperBaby

           Checklist: What You Need for the Second Trimester

       When you are entering the 2nd trimester you are still small enough that you can actually breathe and walk around. Shopping during this trimester is fun. Showing off your growing belly and buying items to help make the next few months easier will be your main objective during this time.

       Maternity Wear       

       Your belly is expanding, but your pants aren't. Now is the time to explore the world of maternity clothes. But that doesn't mean sacrificing style - a pair of stretchy leggings (or a long skirt) and a loosely cut top, or a cozy pair of overalls and a roomy cotton tee flatter almost every blossoming body type. Some women gravitate towards dresses because they are less confining and you can wear them longer. Always remember to follow the washing directions because you do not want them to shrink. This usually happens to the dress you think is most cute! Don't let hubby wash your clothes, guys rarely ever follow the directions!

       Sleep Aids       

       By now you should have a good body pillow, but you may need some extra help in getting a good night's sleep. Self-hypnosis CDs, books about improving sleep, fans, noise machines - these are all useful aids for helping pregnant women get their zzz's.  If you do not sleep well anyway and then have heartburn and back pain to add to it can make sleeping virtually impossible. After fussing with pillows for 10 minutes some relaxing music streaming from an I-pod may help you feel a little more relaxed and ready to settle in for at least a few hours of sleep.

       Belly Music       

       Some mothers - and developmental experts - claim that playing classical tunes to an unborn baby will guarantee a child with a musical ear. While no one can really promise that listening to a few cd's loaded with lilting nursery rhymes and soothing jazz numbers will bless you with the next Mozart, it can certainly help you, and maybe your baby, relax.       


       Those late-night feedings will be easier on you and more soothing for your baby if you can spend them in a rocking chair or glider. The back-and-forth motion can calm a crying baby and ease any lower back pain you're feeling. While you're at it, add a matching ottoman; you can prop your tired, swollen feet on it. Situate yourself in this chair and do the laundry in anticipation of your child. Who knows when he or she arrives it may be everyone's favorite spot to rock and bond with them.

       Parenting Books for Dad       

       Now that your belly is blossoming, your partner may be getting more curious - and anxious - about what's to come. Help him out with the gift of some parenting books just for dads. For those guys out there who are not big on reading, this pregnancy may just be the adventure that spurs him on so he is really interested. You can read together about the growth and development of your child. This purchase should be done with both of you in mind.


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