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Journal Writing

By Rachel Lacourciere, edHelperBaby

  Journal Writing
           Writing about the many experiences and emotions you will feel throughout the wonderful adventure of pregnancy can be both therapeutic for you and make a wonderful story to share with your child one day.  Additionally, it can be an excellent way to pass the moments where not much seems to be happening and the waiting and anticipation seem to continually mount.  Writing (or typing) can be a simple way to record your memories and forever preserve your pregnancy voyage. The key to making this a successful activity is to truly KEEP IT SIMPLE.  Often pregnancy can be so overwhelming and exhausting that the idea of recording it all in writing can seem tedious and unrealistic.  Make enough time to do with your writing what you are willing to do consistently without committing yourself to creating something that seems like more work than enjoyment at the end of the day.


  Getting Started
           Getting started is as easy as purchasing a journal.  You may want to pick one that has something significant related to the day you found out you were pregnant on its cover or one that carries a picture of the theme you have already chosen for the nursery!  If you plan to type your journal, you may want to choose a folder or journal cover using these same guidelines instead.  You can begin with a brief description of who you are, a family tree, or what you felt the moment you found out you would be your child's parent.  Another idea is to write your story as letters to your unborn child or your partner.  (If you choose to write to your partner, you could consider keeping the chain going as a series of responses to and from each other.)


  Additional Elements For Emphasis
           Once you have decided to begin your journal writing, you may want to add additional elements here and there to emphasize your memories.  Consider adding:
  • Pictures of yourself or your partner
  • Sonogram pictures
  • Tickets/pamphlets from events that occurred throughout the pregnancy
  • Current events or relevant news to your writing, especially if it is significant to the time period your baby will be growing up in


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