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Pregnancy Super Foods

By Mary Sharman, edHelperBaby

           Pregnancy Super Foods       

       Here is a list of all the best pregnancy nutrients. Make a grocery list and add these foods to keep your body healthy and happy throughout your pregnancy.       

       Omega 3's

       These fatty acids are vital for brain and central nervous system development, and they also lower the risk of postpartum depression. That is the best reason right there to up the intake of these foods. Best Sources:salmon, anchovies, flaxseed and flaxseed oil, and some brands of eggs (look for the cartons that say "omega 3").       


       This vitamin B like compound plays a major role in fetal brain development and may help prevent spinal cord defects. Best Sources:beef, chicken liver, eggs, soybeans, and wheat germ.       


       Not only does a good dose of fiber help with the common pregnancy complaints of constipation and hemorrhoids, it also provides an even release in the glucose level in your blood stream, helping you avoid surges and dips in energy. Best Sources:whole grain foods, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables.       


       It is good for your bones, and a woman with low intake of calcium may have more pregnancy complications such as high blood pressure. Best Sources:low fat milk, hard cheeses, yogurt, and calcium fortified orange juice.


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