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Can Sitting At My Work Computer All Day Harm My Unborn Baby In Any Way?

By Rachel Lacourciere, edHelperBaby

  Can Sitting At My Work Computer All Day Harm My Unborn Baby In Any Way?
           Although a scare occurred in the 1970s and 1980s, many recent studies have proven that there is not a link between using your computer monitor and exposing your unborn baby to hazardous levels of radiation while you are pregnant.  Initially, it was thought that there was a direct correlation between the increased use of computer monitors and the radiation that was given off as causing miscarriages or low birth weights in newborns.  However, those early studies were deemed inconclusive as the same results could not be recreated when the studies were tested again.  Today the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), states that a pregnant woman using a computer monitor does not have an increased risk of delivering a baby of reduced birth weight or delivering prematurely.       

       However, there are some general health guidelines that a pregnant woman may want to adhere to when using a computer:
  • Remember to take a stretching, walking, or water break every hour to discourage stiffness, swelling, or leg cramps. See the Suggested Stretches Section below.
  • Remember to practice good posture and support your back (use a small lumbar pillow) while seated at your computer.
  • Remember to not cross your legs while you are seated as it decreases circulation.
  • Remember that a pregnant woman tends to retain water and, therefore, wearing contact lenses for long periods of time may become uncomfortable.  Consider wearing your glasses to work if you experience a problem with dryness.


  Suggested Stretches
           There are a couple of simple stretches you can practice in as small a space as your work chair that will help fend off stiffness, swelling, and leg cramps.   Every hour extend your leg, heel first, and gently flex your foot to stretch your calf muscles.  Additionally, try rotating your ankles in continuous circles and wiggling your toes.  End by shifting the way your body is positioned in your seat.       

       Take the time to talk to your regular prenatal doctor if you have additional questions or concerns about using your computer while you are pregnant.


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