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Pregnancy - from 0 weeks to 8 weeks pregnant

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What Are The Signs That I Might Be Pregnant?

By Angela Sawinski, edHelperBaby

The Signs of Early Pregnancy
            What are the signs that I might be pregnant?

       Pregnancy causes many changes in your body, and you might notice some of them soon after you become pregnant. Signs of early pregnancy could include any of the following:
  • You may have some bloody spotting several days after conception when the embryo attaches to the wall of your uterus. This is called implantation bleeding. You may also notice some cramping at this time.
  • Your first symptom may be that you go to the bathroom more often. Pregnancy hormones cause frequent urination. You may notice this even before you miss a period.
  • Changes in your hormones can also cause you to feel much more tired than usual.
  • Another sign is feeling sick to your stomach. This is called morning sickness, but the queasiness, nausea, or vomiting can happen any time of the day. About half of pregnant women have morning sickness.
  • Your breasts may start feeling more tender to the touch. They will also get bigger. The breast soreness will become less noticeable as your body gets used to the pregnancy hormones.
  • You may notice that your clothes fit more tightly.
  • A missed period is the clearest sign of pregnancy, but it is not a sure sign because other things, such as illness, stress, or losing too much weight, can affect when you have a period. Pregnancy may cause your period to be delayed or much lighter or shorter than normal. If you have missed one or more periods, or have had one or more abnormal periods, you should find out if you are pregnant.

       Some women may not see any changes until they miss a period, and the missed period may be their only symptom.       

       How can I know if I am pregnant?

       If you think you might be pregnant, you can buy a home pregnancy kit to test for pregnancy. The test looks for a pregnancy hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Some home pregnancy tests can be done as soon as the day your next period should start. The test will be more accurate, however, if it is done two weeks after your missed period should have started. If the test is positive, there is a good chance that you are pregnant. Make an appointment with your healthcare provider to confirm the test result and start prenatal care. If the home test is negative and you had your last period less than six weeks ago, repeat the test in one to two weeks. If the test is still negative, you are probably not pregnant. Something else may be causing you to miss your periods. If your period is six to eight weeks late, you should probably see your healthcare provider even if the test is still negative.       

       It is possible in some cases to have a positive home pregnancy test even though you are not pregnant. The tests are said to be 99% accurate, so there is still a 1% chance of error. This is why it is important to confirm the test results with your healthcare provider.


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