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What Is My Doctor Testing For When I Give A Urine Sample At My Prenatal Appointments?

By Rachel Lacourciere, edHelperBaby

  What Is My Doctor Testing For When I Give A Urine Sample At My Prenatal Appointments?
           Throughout your pregnancy you will regularly be asked to provide a urine sample when you visit your doctor during scheduled appointments.  It is important that you follow the instructions of your doctor or the nurse to ensure the sample does not become contaminated and is accurate when collected.  Your urine is then tested for elevated levels of glucose and protein.  Should your urine contain elevated levels of glucose, additional tests may be required as it can be an indication of gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that only occurs during pregnancy when not enough glucose gets into a pregnant woman's cells and instead remains in her bloodstream causing elevated sugar levels.       

       Should you have protein in your urine, additional tests may be required as it can be an indication of preeclampsia or a urinary tract infection.  Preeclampsia is hypertension that only occurs during pregnancy that, if left untreated, can cause serious complications for both the mother and her unborn baby.  A urinary tract infection is an infection that can affect the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and/or urethra.       

       While your doctor will test regularly for glucose and protein in your urine, there are additional reasons a urine sample may be required.  For example, if you experience regular vomiting or have lost weight while you are pregnant, your doctor may test your urine for ketones.  Your body produces ketones if you do not eat enough carbohydrates and, instead, your body begins to break down fat stored in your body for energy.       

       Take the time to talk to your regular prenatal doctor about what he or she specifically tests your urine for at your next appointment.


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