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What is morning sickness and how can I alleviate it?

By Angela Sawinski, edHelperBaby

morning sickness
           Morning sickness is an upset stomach, nausea, or vomiting caused by increased hormone levels. It can occur at any time of the day or even all day, but it may be worse in the morning. More than half of pregnant women experience morning sickness during the first trimester. It usually goes away after 20 weeks of pregnancy when the levels of pregnancy hormones in your body decrease.       

       It is not understood why some women develop morning sickness and others do not. Women with higher levels of pregnancy hormones tend to have morning sickness. Usually, it is not as bad in pregnancies after your first. It is more common among women who are carrying multiples (twins, triplets, etc. . .)       

       What are the symptoms?

       Mild symptoms include nausea, queasy stomach, and vomiting two to five times per day.       

       Severe symptoms include weight loss, persistent vomiting, dehydration, and dark, concentrated urine.       

       If you have severe symptoms, you should contact your health care provider.       

       Ways to alleviate mild morning sickness:
  •        Eat more carbohydrates
  •        Eat small, light meals at frequent intervals
  •        Drink water with lemon slices
  •        Eat foods that are bland and dry
  •        Avoid strong odors
  •        Avoid greasy and/or spicy foods
  •        Eat more foods with vitamin B
  •        Drink salty fluids such as broth, cola, or Gatorade
  •        Don't drink with meals
  •        Avoid rich, fatty foods
  •        Avoid warm places
  •        Take naps during the day
  •        Drink ginger ale or non caffeinated ginger tea
  •        Wear an acupressure bracelet (designed to alleviate sea sickness)
  •        Eat saltine crackers or a couple of apple slices before getting out of bed
  •        Get up slowly

       Because you are losing fluids when you vomit, it is important to stay hydrated. Even if the liquids stay down for just an hour, your body will absorb a lot in that time. Try sucking on ice chips or popsicles. Take small sips rather than drinking a whole glass of fluid all at once.       


       If you are experiencing morning sickness, keep a dairy of your symptoms. Include in the diary the date, time, symptom, duration, and remedies that you tried to alleviate the sickness. This log will be beneficial to you when discussing your symptoms with your doctor. You may begin to notice a pattern in your symptoms or a remedy that worked repeatedly. This could help you find a solution to your morning sickness.


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