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Infant - Week #10

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A 10-Week-Old At A Glance

By Amy Salatino, edHelperBaby

  Hey, I Know You!
           Your baby has been recognizing and responding to your voice for some time now, but this week your baby will start to visually recognize you.  She will even be able to pick you out of a crowd of people!  At this early stage, her responses won't be consistent, but as the days go by, her excitement and accuracy at picking you out will improve.


  The Name Game!
           You spent nine months thinking of the perfect name for your baby, and around the tenth week, your infant will start to recognize it and possibly even respond to it.  Your baby may not respond consistently. At this point, recognition could be as simple as a widening of the eyes or a slight turning towards the sound, but it is exciting nonetheless!


  Making Friends!
           As your baby enters this tenth week, her understanding of the world around her continues to grow.  She is beginning to realize that people respond to smiles and coos.  Now is a great time to start to socialize her and get her used to people who will be spending time with her.  Doing so now could help ease separation anxiety later!


  Enough Lying Down!
           As your baby's neck muscles continue to strengthen and develop, she is able to sit in a semi-reclined position.  Get out those swings and bouncy seats, and even the corners of the couch work great to get your baby used to this new position!  Some ten-week-olds still need extra support; rolled receiving blankets work like a charm!


  DO try this at home!
           Seemingly overnight your little six or seven pounder has been replaced by a ten, eleven, or twelve pounder.  These new pounds are tough on the arms.  Give your arms a rest and give your child a change of pace by putting her down in some new spots in a semi-upright position.  In addition to strengthening her muscles, you are giving her a whole new view of the world around her.  Some great gear to use includes swings (moved up a notch), reclining high chairs, boppy pillows, and couch cushions.  Keep in mind that all babies develop at different rates.  Some will be able to sit in a semi-reclined position unassisted for a length of time.  Others may need some assistance from a rolled up receiving blanket or a pillow, and others still may flop over.  Help your infant to be successful in this new position by testing her out and seeing what she seems comfortable with.


  Upright with Max
           My little seven pounder weighed in at a whopping twelve pounds at his two month checkup.  Weak as I may sound, it has been rough on my arms, so I was more than willing to give some of these sitting activities a try.  I got a boppy seat from my baby shower a few years ago, and since I didn't nurse, I didn't have a whole lot of use for it.  I pulled it out the other day and propped Max in the middle of it on the floor while the other kids were playing around him.  Let me tell you, he was in heaven!  He wasn't sitting totally upright; he was leaning back at an angle, but he was upright enough to see everything that was going on around him.  I did the same type of sitting activity with Max in the corners of the couch (when the older kids were sleeping, so no one could get to him of course).  Again, he really seemed to enjoy the new position. He was happier longer, his muscles were getting a workout, and I got some really great pictures using the phone and the remote control as props!  Do try this at home with your little one!


  That's Questionable!
           Q - If you are a bottle feeder, how do you prepare your nighttime bottles?       

       This may sound like a silly question, but no two moms that I have talked to prepare the nighttime bottles the same way.  Some come down to the kitchen and have premade formula in the fridge that just needs to be reheated. Others use bottle warmers. Some people use the premade hospital bottles where you just have to pop on a nipple and go.  Over the years, I tried all of these before I came up with the system that I use now.  I keep a full-sized can of powdered formula on a blanket on my dresser.  Every night before I go to bed, I bring up my two 4 ounce bottles that Max will need for his nighttime and early morning feedings.  When he wakes up, I stumble to the dresser, scoop in the formula, always spilling some in my half awake state (hence the blanket), shake it up, sit back in my bed, and feed him.  I keep a stack of diapers and wipes in my night stand drawer so that I can reach over, change him quickly in my bed, and get him back in his cradle as quickly as possible.  Come morning there are two empty bottles and two wet diapers on my night stand, and a dry happy well-fed baby in the cradle!


Where Am I?
By Trisha Fusco-Dennis, edHelperBaby

           Sometimes it is so hard to be parent, spouse, family member, friend, cook, chauffeur and accountant! Sometimes it is easy to forget who the person is beneath all of those hats.       

       It is critical for new parents, no, for ANY parents, to get a regular chance to relax and remember who they were before the kids were born. Do not think this is a "regain the romance" discussion... this is about YOU, Mom or Dad.       

       What were your favorite leisure activities in life BP (Before Parenthood)? It may be impossible to train for a triathlon just now but a little time each day to go running might help regain that enthusiasm. Did you love to read? A chapter of a book each day and a little quiet time helps to get your head together. Talk to your spouse about finding a short time each day when it can be "your time" to spend on yourself. You will do yourself a world of good!


Music, Music, Music
By Trisha Fusco-Dennis, About my child Julia

           Julia already has very distinct musical tastes.  Surprisingly enough, it goes beyond "classical"... she loves Mozart! Her reactions to Mozart are much stronger and more delighted than any other classical composer I play for her. So we are a Mozart house these days! I love to see her smile as soon as the music starts and I swear she is wiggling in time to the rhythm she hears!


     Is it safe to co-sleep with an infant?

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