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Infant - Week #10

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Newborn Week Ten

By Angela Sawinski, edHelperBaby

Smiley Pie
           Has your baby smiled at you yet? If not, he will soon. By this time, about two-thirds of all babies can recognize their parents, and many of those babies are so delighted that they welcome Mom or Dad with an excited, gurgly grin. This is one of the first signs that your baby is developing an ability to socialize. In fact, it's called a "social smile," and it's one of the more emotionally gratifying milestones you'll see your baby reach.


           If you are exclusively breastfeeding, your child is not getting enough vitamin D. At two months, your doctor will more than likely recommend giving your child a vitamin supplement.


Q - Why Does My Baby Look Bowlegged?
           Your baby owes his curved legs to all the time he spent curled up in your uterus. The older he gets, though, the more his legs will unfurl. When your baby starts walking, anywhere between about 9 and 17 months, the weight he puts on his leg bones will cause them to slowly change shape, and within six months or so from then, his legs will have straightened out considerably. It's something the body usually just takes care of on its own. In most cases, there's no need to worry or take corrective action, but it's always a good idea to have your baby's legs checked at each well-baby visit. If your child is still bowlegged at age 2, you'll want to consider further evaluation.


Traveling With Your Baby
           Your baby isn't as fragile as you may think. If you keep these tips in mind, you will have one portable baby to take everywhere with you.
  • Prepare, Prepare, Prepare: If you use formula, your baby's travel bag should include extra bottles and travel-sized cans of formula. If you breastfeed, pack a shawl or wrap so you'll feel more comfortable nursing in public. Bring pacifiers if your baby uses them, extra diapers, a portable package of wipes, baggies for dirty diapers, a nasal bulb, and a first-aid kit. Pack a burp cloth, a change of clothes, and extra layers for transit, along with the right clothes for your destination. Don't forget a few favorite toys as well as some new ones to surprise her with.
  • Additional Handy Gear: This includes a car seat/stroller combo and a papoose-style front or back baby carrier that will allow you to keep your baby snug while leaving your hands free.
  • Timing is Everything (well almost): Try to plan your extended travel times around your child's nap time or even at night. This could potentially avoid your child screaming during the entire trip if he is tired enough for a nap. If possible, try to book flights around your child's naptime.
  • Go Safely: While traveling, follow the same car seat rules as you do at home. Place your child in a rear-facing car seat and properly secure both the seat and your baby. If traveling by air, it is safer to purchase a seat for your baby and his car seat than to carry him on your lap.


Safety Check
           Changing Table: Never leave your baby unattended on any surface above the floor. Even at this young age, he could suddenly extend his body and flip over the edge.

       Fire Prevention: Dress your baby in flame resistant clothing. Make sure that smoke detectors are present and working properly throughout your house.

       Necklaces and Cords: Do not let strings or cords dangle from the crib. Don't attach pacifiers or other objects to the crib or body with strings. Do not use clothing with drawstrings.

       Jiggling: Be careful not to jiggle or shake the baby too vigorously. Always support the baby's head and neck when moving his body.

       Suffocation Prevention: Keep the crib free of all small objects that he could swallow. Never leave plastic bags or wrappings where he could reach them.

       Supervision: Never leave your baby alone in the house, yard, or car.


Try This!
           This game will help increase your baby's observation skills. Sit in a comfortable chair and hold your baby in your arms. Hold your finger in the air above him and make a buzzing sound. Move your finger around as you buzz (as though your finger is a bee). Your baby's eyes will follow the "bee." Land the "bee" on him with a slight tickle. Repeat this several times until he loses interest. Now, hold his finger in the air. Move it around the same way that you moved your finger around and land it on your cheek. Babies should enjoy this game very much.


Dayvian's Experience
           Dayvian really got a kick out of this activity! He contently watched the "bee" as it buzzed around above him. He has always enjoyed it when I make weird sounds. In fact, sometimes I make the weirdest sound I can think of to calm him when he is really upset. Each time I landed the "bee" on him he smiled and cooed almost to the point of a little giggle. He watched me and my "bee" for nearly fifteen minutes. When I switched to try to do it with his finger, he gave me a confused look at first. After a few times, he got more into it. He really enjoyed it when I laughed and giggled as I landed his "bee" on me. This was such a fun activity - I highly recommend trying it with your baby!


     Is My Baby Spitting Up Too Much?

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