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Infant - Week #26

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Newborn Week Twenty Six

By Angela Sawinski, edHelperBaby

           Buckling your baby into a car seat can reduce her risk of serious injury in a car accident by more than 50 percent.


Getting Your Body Back
           Power-strolling: Look for a special stroller with a five-point safety harness, usually made of nylon or canvas straps with plastic buckles - it secures your child around the shoulders, waist, and between the legs.

       Loop the tether strap around your wrist in case of a runaway stroller. If you'll be out at dusk or twilight, it's a good idea to wear reflective stripping so that you can be easily seen by cars, bikers, and pedestrians. Wait until your baby has a decent amount of head control. Start out on a smooth path.

       Workout Tips:
  • Stay relaxed - Whether running or walking, try to keep your entire body loose and your breathing steady.
  • Practice good form - Stand tall and do not lean on the handlebars for support.
  • Add some music - It's best not to wear headphones so that you can hear the baby, but try a small portable radio in the storage area of your stroller.
  • Add bursts of speed - When you run fast, then slow, then fast again, you burn more calories.
  • Head for the hills - This will burn up to 50 percent more calories and help strengthen your leg muscles.
  • Fuel up fast - Don't forget about your own nutritional needs! You need something in your stomach prior to heading out. A small 200-calorie snack with carbs or protein may help you burn more calories and will keep you going longer. Try a banana or a slice of bread with cheese.
  • Treat yourself - Have a reward waiting for you at the end of your walk; there's a better chance that you will get out the door.


Father Bonding Idea
           Roughhouse (within reason): Studies have shown that mothers and fathers hold their babies in very different ways. Moms are more likely to cuddle; dads tend to get a little more physical. You should never shake a baby, but you can certainly stimulate his muscles. If your child is old enough to sit up, he might like being tossed gently in the air, or getting bounced on a knee, or being carried beneath the arm like a football ... things that Mom isn't as likely to do, but that are sure to bring squeals of delight.


Night Feedings
           Sometime between 4 and 6 months, most babies become physically able to make it through five or six hours at night without a snack. (That doesn't mean your baby is ready to night wean, however. That timing varies considerably.) If you and your baby are ready to drop night feedings, here are some good ways to start the process.
  • Take it slowly and gradually. Start by giving your baby less time on each breast or a smaller amount of formula or breast milk in his bottle at each night feeding. Try to prolong the intervals between feedings by patting and comforting your baby and gently urging him to go back to sleep.
  • Offer your child extra feedings before bed. This way, he'll be less likely to wake up hungry in the middle of the night. You may even want to wake him for a final feeding (for instance, at 10 p.m.) before you go to bed yourself.
  • If possible, have your partner comfort your baby when he cries during the night. Babies often come to expect food from Mom, and if you're nursing, the smell of your breast milk may make your baby want to eat. Your partner may have better luck soothing your baby back to sleep without a feeding.


Try This!
           Make diaper-changing fun. Hold the diaper in front of your face, then take it away and say, "Peek-a-boo!" Bend your head down next to the baby's head and say, "Peek-a-boo!" again in a soft voice. Wave the diaper back and forth in front of your face and say, "Peek-a-boo!" Games like this are critical in developing your baby's sense of humor.


Dayvian's Experience
           Diaper changes with Dayvian always seem to be an experience. Never mind the "usuals" that any parent can experience with changing a baby's diaper, especially a little boy's diaper! This is a very simple activity to bring out a smile. Sometimes, a parent just needs to have a reason to smile as well. Dayvian always likes a reason to smile or laugh and this activity was no different! I played this game with Dayvian during his mid-morning diaper change. As soon as I popped out from behind the diaper and said, "Peek-a-boo," he giggled. I continued to do this and varied my approach each time. I think that Dayvian would have thought this was funny all day. I played this with him for about ten minutes and it didn't seem to get old with him.


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