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Infant - Week #27

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A 27-Week-Old At A Glance

By Amy Salatino, edHelperBaby

  Getting Angry
           Your baby continues to become increasingly aware of what he wants.  Don't be surprised if your baby is playing with a toy, happy as a clam, drops it, and lets out a scream like you've never heard before. Or if you walk right on past him with a bottle in your hand, you hear that lovely shriek again. Your baby has now realized that he can let you know what he wants and, even more importantly, if he is loud and angry sounding, you'll react faster.  Definitely be in tune to his needs and wants, but it is completely okay to let him be angry for a few minutes here and there.  It's never too early to teach him the virtue of patience!


  Where Did My Little Cuddler Go?
           Overnight it seems, your baby has turned from a lump that would sit in your lap and cuddle with you for long stretches, to a ball of energy that very likely isn't still in your lap for very long these days.  The cuddling has been traded in for wriggling, twisting, turning, and arching backs.  All this means is set him free. Instead of cuddling and watching TV, release him on the floor and watch him!


  Sit, Sit, Sit
           Now that your baby is rolling and scooching and happy on his tummy for long periods of time, it's easy to forget that he needs practice sitting, too.  Make sure that you get your baby in a sitting position with some toys on the floor for some playtime each day.  This is an important gross motor development that shouldn't be overlooked!


  Could It Be A...Tooth?
           All babies develop at different rates both physically and socially.  The rate at which teeth come in is no different.  It is possible that your baby already has teeth or that they are starting to come in.  Help keep him comfortable during this sometimes painful time by paying attention to his behaviors and moods to determine if he is teething and if you can do anything to help him.  If he seems fussy or extra irritable, a little Tylenol might help.  If his gums seem red or swollen, try a cold teething ring.  If you are one of the lucky ones whose babies' teeth pop in without any symptoms - consider yourself lucky and just roll with it!


  Do Try This At Home
           There are a number of different ways that babies process and learn things.  Some babies are visual learners, some are auditory learners, and another group is those who learn tactilely - through the sense of touch.  From the moment he was born, you have been providing your baby access to all different kinds of objects that feel different.  This activity is just an extension of all of the things that you are already doing.  It's a fantastic activity, but one that you definitely want to save for right before bath time!  Strip your baby down to his diaper and sit him upright in his high chair.  Snap on the tray and plop down a spoonful of pears (Could be any baby food; pears have a nice easy-to-clean color, though!) right in front of him and let him have at it.  Your baby will be in pear heaven, spreading it around, licking it, sucking it off his fingers and, of course, running it through his hair.  Let him play for a few minutes in the pears and then throw in a few cheerios and let him try these for a while, too!  Get out the video camera and document this. It'll probably be one of the few times you WANT your baby to play with his food!


  Playing With Your Food
           Max, like all the residents of my home, LOVES to eat!  I knew this was going to be a fun one and couldn't wait to do it.  I put Max in his seat and plopped on those pears.  He dove those fat little hands right in and had a blast.  He wasn't tentative at all, like I thought he might be.  Didn't matter to him that the pears were a little chilly.  He just swished it around and tried to get handfuls into his mouth and would have probably done this for a LONG time.  Unfortunately, he figured out that he loved the sound and result he got when he smacked his hands on the tray.  Now I'm a patient person, and with four little kids I spend a LOT of time cleaning up messes, but even I can only be pushed so far.  This was splashing pears everywhere - which he thought was hilarious.  It was definitely cute - but not cute enough for me to let him keep going with it!  Have fun with this and video, video, video!


  That's Questionable!
           Q - When do you stop putting onesies on your baby?       

       We all have drawers full of those little white, one piece, snap in the crotch undershirts called onesies!  It never occurred to me until I was at a girlfriend's house and saw her son without one under his sleeper that some people "stop" using them.  Now I'm not completely clueless; depending on climate, they aren't always necessary - but this was in the middle of a chilly season and my little ones were all onesied up!       

       Her son was 13 months, definitely older than Max, but still little enough that I would put a onesie on him.  When I asked her about it, she said she stops at 12 months because that's the size that the tags say.  I thought that was a hilarious reason and told her so.  She wanted to know when I stop.  I told her that I stop when they potty train and the snaps get in the way of using the bathroom.  So I thought she was ridiculous for stopping so soon, and she couldn't believe that I keep my kids in onesies till they are two.  Who's right here?  Again, it's not a matter of right and wrong, but it is plainly a matter of what works for your baby.  Some babies are simply hot boxes who are warm and don't need onesies; some babies have less body fat and need that extra layer.  As always, do what works for you and what helps keep your baby the most comfortable!


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